Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Petition for the Nullification of Roe vs. Wade
By Executive Order of President George W. Bush

Whereas and because the United States Supreme Court did violate it's Constitutional ordination and mandate in it's 1973 decision Roe vs. Wade, by making new law, and thereby usurping Congress of it's Constitutionally ordained and mandated responsibility to make any and all new federal laws and also to amend any existing federal law when necessary,

And whereas and because in the same decision, Roe vs. Wade in 1973, the same United States Supreme Court unlawfully and summarily nullified the laws governing the practice of abortion and requirements of those laws in each and all the fifty of the United States of America,

We the undersigned call upon you, President George W. Bush, to by Executive Order nullify Roe vs. Wade and all decisions upholding the intent, effect or letter of that decision.

Further, we call upon you to as President declare that all willful human acts of the abortion of human unborn children being also the willful termination of human pregnancies be from the day this Executive Order forward subject again in each of the fifty states to the laws of those fifty states which did govern the practice of abortion in those states prior to the date of the decision of the US Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade, that date being January 22, 1973 AD.

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Send to:

Pres. George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N. W.
Washington D. C. 20500

This petition copyright© 2008 by D. Severy for the sole purpose described within it. It may be reproduced and distributed in print or electronically only in its unaltered entirety, without edit, including this copyright notice, and solely for the purpose of gaining the signatures of those in agreement with its stated goal.