Sunday, March 25, 2012

Obama promises ‘hand-to-hand combat.’ !!!!!!!!!!

Obama tells audience there will be ‘hand-to-hand combat if Republicans win.

Is this the change Obama voters wanted? Is it what they want today?

This is as ugly as it has ever been with Pres O, and with nothing but love and forgiveness in my heart I would warn the left that there are not enough liberals willing to "go hand to hand" and take on the "mad as hell and won't take it anymore tea partiers" if things go "hand to hand." Sorry to be so ugly about it in that comment because I really do believe Jesus meant for christians to turn the other cheek.

Paul the Apostle wrote also that we are to be at peace with all men "as much as is possible." The liberals ought to beware how far they go to test the patience of the saints. If they make it impossible for us...

As Israel will defend herself (and even Obama has not found away to publically abandon Israel) so the families of free Christian America may also. Or not... It remains to be seen if God will bless the church in America which is so very divided and very sinful. READ your OLD Testament and see what happened to unfaithful Israel! Do you think because you say "Lord, Lord" you are immune from chastening or even rejection?

Someone wrote the blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the church. We need more Bible readers/believers and less hypocritical/sinners in the pews, folding chairs and plush theater seats. Would it be a bad thing for some of us to lay down our lives for our friends? Jesus laid down His for the Apostles and those who would follow them, the Jew first and then the gentiles.

We in America think we are God's chosen in the Promised Land! We are not! That honor still belongs to the seed of Isaac and the land once known as Canaan, then mistakenly called "Palestine" and now called Israel. If you read your Bible carefully and PRAYER fully the Holy Spirit will teach you it is so! John 4:22! So many do not KNOW what it is they worship! In fact they worship their bellies, bank accounts, retirement funds, portfolios, gold, homes, cars, entertainment systems, and the internet, AND EVEN THEIR BIBLE TEACHERS... all the while in so many nations there is still no clean water to drink or enough to eat.

I was impressed by the statement of one Afghani Muslim who said that in the jihad against the west, the US and Israel that the Muslims would win because they were willing and able to "eat grass." In other words they were zealous beyond the call of duty. Jesus commands all in the church "to be zealous (therefore) and repent." Yet many Christians have not been taught the verse (Rev. 3:19) or its context, and they misuse the following verse (Rev. 3:20) as one spoken to the lost when it is spoken to the church!

Dear Father God, have mercy on us all, and on me, and forgive my many years of lukewarmness and silence. Grant us all again the opportunity to do the works of God (John 6:29)

and the greater works (John 14:12). In Jesus NAME, AMEN. And Amen.

John 15.7